Spring Rains Bring Foundation Issues in to Kansas City homes

Spring is in the air, and that means the return of green grass, blooming flowers, and unfortunately, rainy weather. While rain is essential for the environment, it can also cause significant damage to your home's foundation, particularly in Kansas City.

You may be wondering, "Why does rain cause foundation issues in Kansas City?" Well, grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and let's explore this topic in a fun and friendly way. Firstly, let's talk about the soil in Kansas City. Soil is arguably the most important variable when it relates to your foundation. Expansive clay soils are common throughout the Kansas City metro and can cause many foundation issues that are discussed below.

One of the most common foundation issues that occurs in Kansas City is when expansive clay soils expand and contract with changes in moisture level. When excess moisture is in the soil, the soil under the foundation will swell, causing the foundation to move upwards and when the soil is dry, the soil under the foundation will shrink, causing the foundation to move downward. This upward and downward movement can create cracks in the foundation walls, cracks in slabs, sloping floors, and can even cause doors and windows to stick. Foundation issues can arise due to several reasons, including poor drainage, improper grading, and lack of maintenance. When it rains, the clay soil can collect water around your foundation, causing the soil to become saturated and heavy. This excess weight applies a hydrostatic pressure on the foundation walls, causing them to crack, lean, or bow.

Another issue that arises during heavy rains is soil erosion. The water can wash away the soil around your foundation, creating voids that can cause the foundation to settle or sink when the soil dries during summer months. This can cause cracks in the foundation walls or floors, leading to water intrusion and other structural problems.So, what can you do to prevent these foundation issues from occurring? Well, the first step is to ensure that your home has proper drainage. Make sure that your gutters are clean and free from debris and that your downspouts are directed away from your home's foundation.

Next, check the grading around your home. The soil should slope away from your foundation, allowing rainwater to flow away from your home. If you notice that the soil is sloping towards your foundation, it may be time to bring in a professional to regrade the area.

Finally, it's important to maintain your foundation. Regular inspections and maintenance can help detect any issues before they become severe. If you notice any cracks or bowing in your foundation walls or floors, it's essential to address them immediately to prevent further damage. Remember, spring rains in Kansas City can create foundation issues due to the unique geographical location of the city and the clay soil that absorbs excess moisture. However, with proper drainage, grading, and maintenance, you can prevent these issues from occurring and keep your home's foundation strong and stable.

Five ways water affects the foundation of a home in Kansas City:

  1. Soil Expansion: When clay soil absorbs water, it expands, which can put pressure on the foundation walls, causing them to crack, lean, or bow.

  2. Soil Contraction: When the soil dries out, it contracts, which can cause the foundation to settle or sink, leading to cracks in the foundation walls or floors.

  3. Soil Erosion: Excess water can wash away the soil around the foundation, creating voids that can cause the foundation to settle or sink.

  4. Hydrostatic Pressure: When the soil around the foundation becomes saturated with water, it can create hydrostatic pressure, which can cause the foundation to shift or move.

  5. Foundation Upheaval: When the soil under the foundation swells due to excess moisture, it can cause the foundation to move upwards, leading to cracks in the foundation walls or floors and other structural problems.

So, the next time you hear raindrops falling on your roof, don't worry, just take a sip of coffee, relax, and enjoy the sounds of nature. But also remember to take care of your home's foundation, and it will take care of you. Give us a call!


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