Resolve Engineering

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5 Simple Solutions to Prevent Water Damage and Foundation Issues (Resolve Engineering)

The common phrase “a little rain never hurt anything” may apply in some situations, but does not apply to your home’s foundation.  Many people underestimate the power of water and the damage it can do to your foundation, and subsequently your home.

Water in your soil can cause additional hydrostatic pressure on your foundation walls.  Hydrostatic pressure occurs when gravity pushes static water against your foundation.  This pressure increases with depth and moisture content within the soil so during heavy rain events, the water table can rise and cause additional pressures on your foundation wall. 

In the Kansas City area, we have expansive clay soil.  When moisture is present in this type of soil, the soil will expand and when the soil is dry, the soil will shrink.  This cycle of expansion and shrinking will cause your home to incrementally move, which can subsequently cause damage to your foundation and home.  With the increase in rain this past month (and more in the forecast), foundation issues become more prevalent, so as a homeowner, it is important to know the warning signs of foundation issues.

Question: How do foundation issues develop from excessive rain?

Answer: The increased moisture in the soil causes the soil to expand.  The resulting hydrostatic pressure can increase loading on your foundation wall, causing it to move laterally and not adequately retain the soil.  In addition, your home can move up and down because of the expanding and shrinking soil.  This will lead to drywall cracks and doors that stick, to name a few common issues.

Question: How will I know if water is impacting my home?

Answer: All of the following “symptoms” can indicate potential foundation issues or movement within your home:

  • Cracks in your drywall

  • Cracks in your foundation walls or slab

  • Leaking cracks in your foundation

  • Foundations walls that are leaning or bowing

  • Doors in your home that are difficult to open or close

  • Water pooling near your foundation during heavy rain events

Question: If I notice these issues, what should I do in order to protect my foundation and home?

Answer: Oftentimes, you can mitigate water-related issues without spending an exorbitant amount of money.  There are generally simple methods to reduce the amount of hydrostatic pressure your foundation will see, so before you go to a foundation repair company, contact Resolve Engineering to provide an unbiased opinion.  We are never trying to sell you a product so we can save you thousands of dollars by providing the most cost-effective solution to mitigate your drainage concerns and avoid any future structural repairs.

Question: What are the simple methods that you can use to mitigate foundation issues and prevent water damage?

Answer: In the past, we have helped clients solve these issues by recommending and utilizing one or a combination of the following solutions:

  1. Provide proper grading and drainage away from your home.

    • One of the easiest ways to ensure water is flowing away from your home is to build up the soil to slope away from your home.  This is called grading and is generally the cheapest and most cost-effective solution.  If you are able to adequately keep water away from your foundation, you won’t have excessive water related foundation issues. 

  2. Install a swale if necessary.

    • The International Residential Code requires that the foundation wall extend a minimum of 6” above finished grade to prevent termite damage and water damage.  If it is not possible to add soil and maintain this requirement, a swale can be provided to ensure water can be routed around your home properly.  Swales are shallow channels that serve as a passageway for water to be routed around your home.

  3. Extend downspouts away from your home.

    • If your downspouts discharge near your foundation, you may want to consider purchasing downspout extensions to guide the water flow away from your home’s foundation.  This is an easy and cost-effective solution that can prevent foundation issues.

  4. Ensure all existing drainage systems are functioning properly.

    • If you notice that existing drains are backed up, or not draining properly, there is likely an issue with those drainage systems and it may be compromising the integrity of your foundation.

  5. Install a waterproofing system to ensure water properly drains away from your home (sump pump, drain tile, etc.)

    • Sump pumps are very effective at removing groundwater beneath your foundation.  These help prevent water intrusion through cracks in the basement slab and reduce the pressure on your foundation walls. 

    • Drain tiles are generally 4” perforated pipes that run around the perimeter of your home.  These are prone to damage over the years and do not always function as they were originally intended to.  These drain tiles either feed to a sump pump or discharge to daylight to keep water away from your home.

It is very important to properly maintain the drainage around your home to avoid expensive repairs.  If the foundation wall leans or bows inward too much, a structural repair may be required, which can be expensive and does not solve the root cause of the issue.  Before purchasing or worrying about a structural repair, give Resolve Engineering a call.  We can provide a foundation inspection and consultation that could help you save money and time.  We want to partner with you to make sure your home is well taken care of and major issues are avoided.  Reach out at 913-298-3600 or email our Professional Engineer, Blake at